Leslie Fischer

Leslie creates simple aged metal pieces that have a rustic element. Starting with sheets of brass, bronze, copper and sterling silver, she uses a rolling mill to imprint a pattern onto the metal, then shapes and ages the metal using patinas to give it a worn appearance. 

The aged metal represents a relic which is combined with stones and other materials to connect it to this point in time—bringing the past and future together to make the wearer feel connected to past and present. There are some pieces made from common or found items that have been modified to showcase the beauty in the simplest of things, such as the Buddha necklaces in which the bronze Buddha pendant is actually from a set of silverware (bronzeware). The knives, forks, and spoons were cut up, utilizing the beautiful image of Buddha as a pendant and a source of comfort. 

Sometimes a pattern or color reminds us all of a good memory, and we all need that connection.