Jennifer Kunin

I am a seeker of that which is beyond the obvious; the deeper psyche, the mystical reality of who I am in each seemingly ordinary moment. My art process has me always surrounded by several works-in-progress at a time, like the several children that I have always had around me. They are each created with a vision of beauty, compassion, and depth, and each develops in its own unique way.

A lot of my time is spent staring at my images and working on this one and that one, through stages of birth, struggle, and finishing each with joyous resolution. I paint because it heals me. I can feel my own essence and express myself. Although I love the language of the color, shape, and texture of abstract art, I want more. I feel I can connect with my audience and myself more deeply using the language of the human figure. Body language is something we all innately understand, and the gesture says so much.

I am fascinated by the geometry of mandalas and how interesting the figure can be as a design element repeated in the circular format. I paint, sculpt, and design the figure into themes of nature, spirits, goddesses, angels, and lovers. They are all self-portraits of my inner spirit.