Rebecca Bernstein

I have always been fascinated by textiles and clothing, and how we choose to adorn ourselves. What we wear tells others so much about who we are, and it is a daily choice we make about how to present ourselves to the world. We usually see each other before we speak to each other, and how we clothe ourselves tells so much.  

As a costume designer for live theater and dance, I take the information presented in the story and look at it through the lenses of character, history, psychology, sociology, and aesthetics to create the costumes worn by the performers. What the characters look like, how they present themselves to their world and to each other, enriches the audience experience and understanding.  

With theaters closed and performances shuttered for the public good, I am trying to find other avenues for my work. Wearing a mask tells others that you care about them. And if we’re going to wear masks, they should be comfortable and stylish.